I love this bit of the book. To get you up to speed: people are meddling in the past and altering the present, and Ian, the CEO of Aeons Time Travel Agency, is mostly responsible. Gronk, his chief engineer, has some bad news for him. Enjoy. Continue reading
sci fi
Companions – Short Story
I did my fly up and rinsed my hands in the sink. My paper hat was skew-whiff in the mirror. I took it off, parted my hair, repositioned it, then for the fifteenth time checked I hadn’t got any sauce on my shirt. I shook my hands dry as I turned, and through my own interminable bad luck I found myself flicking water over James Dean’s groin.
“Shit, sorry man,” I murmured as I bustled past.
“Ah, it’s nothin’,” he shrugged, undoing his belt and slinking past me into a cubicle. Continue reading