Here you,
I’ve not posted on this site in two months. I don’t even know why, I just stopped for a while! Isn’t that irritating? No explanation for my disappearance?! Hoho!
Yeah well anyway I’m back in England now, and I know that I should really round off the whole world trip thing with a big article called ‘Homecoming’ all about how odd it is to be back, and also not odd at all, and idk, redemption? Learning to forgive myself? Life goes on?
I actually did write exactly that article some seven weeks ago, but I didn’t publish it because – I don’t know why. Just seemed contrived and lame, and that ain’t me … babe.
But yeah I live in Bristol now man, it’s a groovy lil place, perhaps a tad too small – but no, yeah, good.
It’s a young rebel city on the docks, with peeling posters down Stokes Croft where you sit under the stare of an upside-down breakdancig Jesus Christ and a fading Banksy mural, sipping pints in the Canteen with the winos and that lot roaring in the street outside on disused sofas, burning cardboard in what I assume was once a triangle of plush grass and is now only dust.
I live with Jeanne in Horfield. We’ve got a swimming pool nearby where I try to stay in shape (ha ha) doing lengths with the grey army a few times a week. I found work as senior copywriter at a travel agency that does tours to Asia – hehey. It’s early doors but seems pretty great.
It’s two minutes to six on Friday eve now and I’m killing time to finish in the office – nothing makes the time whiz on like typing away.
I miss Berlin often. There’s a lot to miss – but it’s like anything. You only recall the good. The dark fades fastest, leaves everything golden, even if it wasn’t. But man, the nostalgia is strong. I’ll be off there in a month or so, when I finally get paid and have a penny to my name.
It’s summer, and Jeanne and I spend our days in bars and cafes, reading writing playing pool, dancing sometimes, arguing once in a while – never for long, bless our socks. We live in a cool houseshare with an Italian guy, a Brazilian girl, a Brit and a dog called Riley, who barks all the damn time – but he’s cute.
Barbecues are common, late nights round Jacks – my brother. His student house is a lawless wasteland, mucky as hell and perfect for an after party.
Sam and Tetlow came down last week and we went on a major bender. Saw Rob and Pube Head a while ago too. It’s amazing having my old friends back. It’s been three years away from them – now all reunited, and nothing has changed.
Anyway, it’s just about 6, and I’m off out. Life is good.
Sorry this wasn’t more eloquent but you know.
Good to hear from you again. Welcome home.
Hey Harry, great to hear from you too! Been a while since I read anything of yours, too – I’m heading over to peruse your site now!